3/18/21 Weekend Winter Lake Access Guests


Final week/weekend 3.18.21 on the ice.


”I stopped by, here is Andy M.’s 38. See you Saturday”


42.5” Todd P. from your Brad M. group- released



Bruce & Julie staying in the Sleeper fishing shallow and out on their wheeler!




A message from a group of guys who pulled out their wheel houses with their wheelers/side by sides and came off the ice to a campsite when Dale asked due to the ice deteriorating so fast over the weekend!! By Sunday it was time to close the winter lake access!!

“Dale and Connie,

Our fishing party are extremely satisfied with what you do and how you do it up there on lake of the woods. We were able to use your amazing bathroom that comes equipped with a shower and noticed your top of the line fish cleaning building. Much appreciated the no-nonsense way about your business and most importantly we caught some fish. See you next time.

We had 7 people and caught 22 walleyes and 4 sauger. We threw back at least 6 over 20″ and 40 under 13″.”



Our Son, Justin, his young ones and a couple Buddies from Ely catching the final 3 days!



Nice text message from one of our winter camping guests saying farewell until next ice season!!  Thank you Nathan!

NATHAN: “Thank you for the fun winter, see you next fall😊”


Lake Access Update 3/19/21

3/19/21 Temps this morning are at 28 degrees


Temps are to reach a High of 50 today by 5 p.m. this afternoon.  Again, we will have full sun all day which means the ice will take another good hit today.  

Yesterday there were no changes on ice conditions shoreline through the first 4 miles out.  We had several people out on wheelers yesterday and received no reports of problems with ice conditions.  We will be checking ice in several areas again today and will report if there are any changes in ice conditions.



Winter Lake Access update 3/18/2021

Frost on the windshields this morning.
Lake conditions are unchanged.
Monitoring conditions daily, Full Sun again today!
The high temp will be 43 today, full sun, wind light, and variable
Sunset 7:30 p.m.
Access is open for ATV, UTV, Track Machine, and snowmobile – primarily bare ice, honeycomb top, middle good, bottom portion rotten ice.
Fishing today – Check out our first post of the day with the Full Fishing Report from Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau.
Today is our final day for our Sleepers and Day houses. We say Good-Bye to Orland and the guys. We had the pleasure of having Rod and Jim with us yesterday for the day. It was so fun to see Dale take Rod and Jim down to the shoreline pulling the Day house and say “Where to guys, you pick where you want to fish for the day!” It was the coolest to see the 3 of them head off to the lake to pick out a fishing spot for our final Day of Day house fishing.
So blessed by all of our guests – so incredibly sad that we had to cancel due to unstable ice conditions both in Dec and March. We plan to keep the winter lake access open as long as the ice conditions are safe for all those out on their own with their ATV, UTV, snowmobiles, or track machines.

Fishing Report Courtesy of Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau

Fishing Report courtesy of Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau received via email to dmrservice@hotmail.com on 3-17-2021
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Fishing Report


On the south end… Most resorts have pulled off fish houses for the season with a few resorts adjacent to better ice conditions still ice fishing.  Big pike are active and staging adjacent to spawning areas. Most fish are being caught on tip ups with live sucker minnows or a dead bait like a tullibee.  Most pike angling taking place in 5-15′ of water.

Walleye anglers finding fish 15 – 30′ of water.  A morning / evening bite shallower, walleyes and saugers during the day in deeper water.

On the Rainy River…   The Rainy River is starting to open!  Some small boats pushing over shoreline ice at Nelson Park in Birchdale.  The middle of the river is open with the boat ramp still ice covered as of 3-16-21.  It may open in coming days.

Safety first.  Life preservers, warm weather gear, a knife to cut anchor rope if drifting ice gets caught in rope, and of course common sense.  Please have patience for your fellow anglers when the accesses open up.  Use slower speed and caution on Hwy 11 near access points.  Do not block approaches to fields, etc. when parking.

Up at the NW Angle…  Looking ahead to open water, there are various ways to travel to the NW Angle without crossing the border.  If you have the right boat and expertise, boating across is an option.  There is also the Lake of the Woods Passenger Service (charter boat shuttle to Angle).  And finally, Lake Country Air flying service, a float plane service out of Baudette and other locations.

The majority of ice fishing is finished up at the Angle.  Some locals are still fishing but most are looking forward to open water.

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Happy St. Patty’s Day 3-17-21 Lake condition update


Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Lake conditions

March 17, 2021


In the area’s we have checked ice is deteriorating

honeycomb on top, good ice, with rotten ice bottom

25 -30 inch thickness

Good cloud cover today

Partly cloudy today – high temp is forecasted at 41 degrees

Access remains open to ATV, UTV, and track machines.  Limited snow for snowmobiles, primarily bare ice. 

Ice cracks remain stable and are not moving at this time

The last 3 Sleepers off the ice the next day or two.  One Day house left to bring in.  Dale can see the sleepers melting into the ice…time to end the season for our sleepers and day house.  Sad but true.