Wonderful Saturday evening
Dale’s On Lake of the Woods
last night!
We enjoyed the evening before the rain came!!!
We were happy to have Darryl and Tanya with us this weekend for a little Anniversary getaway!
Happy Anniversary
Darryl and Tanya!!

TS3 & TS4 Two families just enjoying a nice little space by the pond and a nice view of the lake. Little campfire between the two Sleepers. Just swinging and maybe even a nap in the hammocks!! Thank you, Dustin, Jessica, Jesse, Jen plus your young ones for joining us this weekend! So nice to have you here with us!

Connie the firebug!! It is hotter than a pistol and I still had to start up a fire!! It was wonderful!!

The boats are out of the water and the evening relaxation time is here!!

Nestled in the corner in CS#4! Thank you for joining us, David and Nancy!!

Lakeside sitting area. Chairs welcome for guests to enjoy the view!!

3 GENERATIONS – Thank you Bill and Rita for bringing your lovely family to camp with us! Ice cream treats for everyone in the campground tonight!!!! Dale and I so enjoy the smiles we see when we bring our ice cream treats to our campers! Ice Cream, Popsicles, sticker books, campfire color crystals, and treats for the puppies camping with us!! Loads of fun!

Beautiful view tonight!

Fire in the firepit and in the sky tonight!

Gathering at the Beach for evening beverages and stories! Great to have Jon and Maria, Terry and Jan, Gary’s crew, Dan, Doug, and Farley. Mark stopped in to say Hi! Bill, Tanya, Darryl, Lisa, Dustin! So glad Dale and I ended our day down at the Beach Bar to see all our camping guests getting their R&R on! Good times had by all!! Missing our guests- Bob & Connie, John and Penny, and Mark & Kathy-3 couples here together – all good friends! Why are they missing?? They more than likely have a fun card game going back at one of their campsites!!! Life is good when your camping here at Lake of the Woods!

Dustin, Jesse, and Aubree coming in from their fishing adventure! Nice fish, back in the lake, but nice fish! Aubree catching a nice one tonight with Dad!! Way to go Aubree!!

Terry and Jan – our helping hands – it doesn’t get any better than this!!!!
Dale and I would like to thank each and every one of our guests for being here with us.
Just a true Blessing!
Thank you ever so much!