Happy May Day

Don’t forget to give that sweet one

a May Basket today!!

🙂Unfortunately we are not seeing dandelions for a May basket which was a common flower in our May basket when I was a kid🙂

Update on lake conditions!

We still have ice- deteriorating more each day – unable to see any open areas except a little at shoreline!

Pictures will be added to our post later today!

We are getting ready for our

Spring * Summer * Fall

🏕️ camping 🏕️ 


Friday 12.9.22 ~Snowmobiles ONLY ~Winter Lake Access will be Opening 7:00 a.m.

Revised 2 p.m. 12.8.22



Winter Lake Access

1:00 this afternoon a crack has developed and is traveling East/West. At this point in time, it is 2 feet wide.  No ATV’s/No UTV’s SNOWMOBILES ONLY

We have a couple winter camping quests that have been out fishing the last couple days – with snowmobiles they have made it past around and past Gull Rock and surrounding areas-

Fishing in areas as deep as 19 and has reached 25 feet of water


OPENING Friday 12.9.22 @ 7 a.m.

to give us time to check lake conditions before

opening the access



$5 per axle


Our rental houses are on the ice and all reservations are still a GO!



Winter Lake Access Information Phone Line 218-442-6661 – 24/7 updated daily




Ice/ Lake Conditions 11.28.22

Ice/Lake Conditions 11.28.22

Dale and I went on our daily morning check of ice/lake conditions.  We have ice that has stayed together from our shoreline towards twin island as far as we can see.  However, 3 days ago we drove to Warroad and there was koi open water from Warroad and as far as we could see to the NE, open water!  This morning, with a somewhat stronger wind speed out of the South, we see open water surrounding Gull Rock and is open to the East and West of Gull Rock for quite a distance.  We have walked approximately three-quarters of the way toward Twin Rocks, this past week, still finding 4 -5 inches of ice.

Our Winter Lake Access Remains Closed.

Zoomed in picture of Gull Rock 11.28.22

Gull Rock 11.28.22

Gull Rock – Surrounded by open water

Open water West of Gull Rock 11.28.22


Winter Lake Access Update 4.10.22

Walleye and Sauger –

Lake of the Woods

Last day Thursday April 14th!

There is some poor weather conditions

of rain, snow and wind

coming this direction over the next few day’s!

Our plans are to have our winter lake access open until Thursday night but if the snow and wind get’s as bad as they say we will be closing earlier than Thursday!

Ice is soft but lots of ice –

Fishing report -Good fishing last couple day!

Winter Lake Access Opens at 6:30 a.m.

Access Fee is $5/per axle!

Winter Lake Access information phone line 24 hours a day!


Information message updated every morning!





Winter Lake Access here at Dale’s On Lake of the Woods

Our winter lake access is OPEN to: 




Tracked Vehicles

Tracks are still the best way to go!

We have Slush, slush, and more slush!  the snow is still on the ice but losing inches day by day which makes for a slushy run.  Snowmobiles and tracked ATVs are getting around pretty well for the most part.  We are still running our bombardiers but it can be a hard pull through some of the areas.


Start your Access Punch Card with your next visit

5 paid visits ~ 6th visit Free!!

Access update information phone line available 24 hours a day – just call 218-442-6661 for the most recent winter lake access update!

Dale and I want to

thank you for joining us

here at our Resort!

Dale and Connie Peterson
