
Fishing Report


On the south end… Ice is forming, but other than some back bays, it isn’t ready quite yet.  Mother Nature is on track.  Some resorts are making the prediction of December 10th for day houses being out, give or take, but at this point, this isn’t set in stone and time will tell.  There are cold temps in the forecast and things look optimistic.

Many resorts and outfitters have been checking ice conditions.  When the time is right, resorts and outfitters will slowly and safely begin marking and grooming trails for ice travel.

Please remember, ice conditions vary greatly in different parts of the lake.  One ice road can have good ice that has been checked and marked while down the shoreline there may be ice not suitable for travel yet.  Work through resorts and outfitters on the ice and stay on the marked trails for safety.

Anticipation is high as the walleye and sauger fishing this fall was good and fish were staged in good numbers along the south shore.

On the Rainy River…   Much of the Rainy River is frozen up.  Things are progressing but it certainly needs cold weather and some time.

Ice conditions vary and on the river there is current, so much like the lake, we encourage visitors to work through a resort or outfitter for safety.

Up at the NW Angle… Ice is forming nicely and is right on track for this year’s ice fishing season.  There has been no ice fishing yet as resorts are simply monitoring ice conditions at this time, waiting until the ice is thicker before marking trails and getting fish houses out.

Fall fishing was excellent with walleyes in good numbers along with some monster pike being caught.  All indications point to good fishing when the ice is ready as the fish are there.




Fishing report 11.10.22


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On the south end…  A great late fall fishing pattern continues.  Nothing fancy, locate fish along the south shore, anchor up and start jigging.  Most are jigging with emerald shiners or fatheads.

Jigs with the brighter or glow colors and gold is a pretty consistent choice in colors.

Fall walleye fishing on LOW brings a nice mixed bag.  Walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch and an occasional crappie or sturgeon have been caught by walleye anglers.  As a rule, 15 – 25 feet of water has been good.

Fish are setting up nicely for ice fishing, which typically begins in early or mid December and lasts through the month of March.  Mother Nature is in control and it is good to lean on your local resort or outfitter for ice conditions on a given part of the lake.

On the Rainy River   A very confusing time for those who enjoy both some great walleye fishing and the traditional deer hunting opener.  It is a well known fact, there are typically some huge walleyes in the Rainy River during the deer hunting season and they are normally cooperative.

Some good reports up and down the river.  Not as many anglers fishing this week, as expected.

Jigging with frozen shiners has been producing nicely.  Trolling crankbaits has not disappeared and is also still producing good fish.

Boat ramps are open from Wheeler’s Point to Baudette east to Birchdale.

Up at the NW Angle…  For those not in a deer stand, walleye fishing continues to be good.  Jigging with a minnow is putting good numbers of walleyes in the boat.

Traditional structure continues to hold walleyes.  Points, rock islands, sunken islands, and neck down areas are all holding fish.

Big muskies continue to make late fall memories for muskie nuts.  Some of the talented muskie guides and anglers who frequent LOW are getting on some very good fish.

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Fishing Report 11.1.22 from Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau


On the south end…  Anglers are experiencing some great fall fishing.  Some anglers are targeting key fall locations along the south shore over mud and sand, while others are fishing structure.  Most are jigging with emerald shiners or fatheads.

As a rule, good colors have been gold, orange, chartreuse, pink and glow or a combo of these colors.  Hooking the minnow through the mouth and out the gill and sliding it up to the jig head and hooking it about half way back on the minnow will hook more fish.

One great thing about fall is a mixed bag.  Walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch and an occasional crappie or sturgeon all in the mix.  Strong fishing reports between 15 – 25′ of water.

Rocky Point, Long Point area, Zippel Bay, Morris Point and Lighthouse Gap areas all producing.  Once you find the walleyes, they have normally been cooperative.  Good numbers of fish along the south shore.

Fish are staged nicely for ice fishing.  Mother Nature always dictates, but as a rule, resorts get day houses out around December 10th with spearing for pike on back bays taking place even earlier.  Resorts and outfitters will communicate ice conditions when the time comes.

The combined walleye / sauger limit on Lake of the Woods is a combination of 6 fish, with up to 4 of those fish being able to be walleyes.  All walleyes 19.5″ – 28.0″ must be released.  One walleye over 28.0″ may be kept per day.

On the Rainy River   A great week of fall walleye fishing.  Good fish were caught up and down the river, but a lot of good reports around Baudette.

Some big walleyes were caught this week, which is traditional for this time of fall on the river.

Jigging with frozen shiners has been producing nicely.  Some anglers are still trolling crankbaits which is producing nice fish.

Boat ramps are open from Wheeler’s Point to Baudette east to Birchdale.

Up at the NW Angle…  Walleye fishing continues to be very consistent.  Jigging with a minnow has been the go to method.  Fish continue to show up in good numbers for anglers fishing both sides of the border.

Traditional structure such as points, rock islands, sunken islands, and neck down areas holding nice walleyes.

Big muskies are being caught and released by fall muskie anglers.  In addition to working key structure, this is the time of the year trolling shoreline structure produces nicely.

Resorts are preparing for the ice fishing season, which based on walleye and sauger populations, is looking positive.


Received via email from Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau 11.4.22 to

Fishing Report from Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau 10.13.22

Fishing Report


On the south end…  Walleyes are being found in various schools along the south shore with some very good fall fishing taking place.  A mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch and an occasional crappie or sturgeon.

Nice reports from Long Point, to Zippel Bay to Morris Point Gap over to Lighthouse Gap.

Lots of fish being marked with electronics.  Some schools are more active than others.  The belief is it will continue to get even better with cooling water temps.  Most anglers are finding walleyes that will cooperate.

Anchored up and jigging with fatheads and frozen shiners is the ticket.  Slide the hook of the jig through the mouth of the minnow, out the gills and as far back as possible, putting the hook through the minnow about half way back on the minnow.  This will get you more hook ups with light biting walleyes and saugers.

Jig colors, try strobe gold (like a disco ball) or plain gold combined with orange, glow white, glow red, pink or chartreuse.

Charter boats are on good schools of walleyes and will be fishing through October.

On the Rainy River   More and more shiners moved in the river this week, as did more walleyes.  Most are finding fish and going through a lot of bait.  If you aren’t finding fish, move until you do.  They are around.

Some good reports from Four Mile Bay to Baudette and east to Frontier and Birchdale.

Jigging with frozen shiners is the most common technique, especially when fishing structure.  Trolling crankbaits upstream in the river is also catching some nice walleyes.

Cooler water temps are getting the sturgeon active.  Some big fish were caught again this week.  With colder water, target holes in the river.

Boat ramps are open from Wheeler’s Point to Baudette east to Birchdale.

Up at the NW Angle…  Walleye fishing continues to be really good up at the Angle.  Jigging with a minnow or plastic is catching good numbers of fish on both sides of the border.

Targeting structure has been the ticket for most walleye anglers.  Points, rock islands, sunken islands, neck down areas, etc.

Big pike continue to be caught by unsuspecting walleye anglers.

Muskie activity was good again this week.  Casting shorelines has been productive and with cooling water, trolling shorelines will soon be effective.

As of October 1, 2022, being vaccinated for COVID is no longer required to enter Canada.  In addition, the ArriveCan app is not required, but optional.  Perfect timing for the rest of the fall and the ice fishing season.

Fishing Report 8.4.2022

Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau Fishing report received 8.4.22 to


Fishing Report


On the south end…  Summer walleye fishing remains excellent with limits of walleyes and saugers common.  Lake levels are slowly dropping and boat ramps are open.

Nice pods of eater walleyes  in 12-20′ in front of Pine Island near both the Lighthouse and Morris Point gaps.  Most anglers using spinners and cranks.

Deep mud in 28 – 34′ holding good numbers of walleyes as is common this time of year.  Jigging with a frozen shiner or fathead is still working well.  Drifting spinners with crawlers and trolling crankbaits producing also.  Some anglers jig in the morning and switch to spinners or cranks come afternoon.

Reefs are holding nice numbers of walleyes.  Anchor up and jig or pull spinners.

On the Rainy River…   Good summer fishing continues on the Rainy River.  With decent current, current breaks are still holding fish.

Sturgeon anglers are reporting good numbers of fish.  A 4 ounce weight combined with a sturgeon rig loaded with crawlers has been the set up.

Big pike are feeding in bays and feeder rivers.  Smallies around rocks, current breaks, bays and bridges.

Up at the NW Angle…  Fishing has been great.  A mixed bag up at the Angle, with most targeting walleyes.  Jigging and pulling spinners have been the go to methods.

Areas such as reefs, neck down areas with moving water and points holding fish have been best.  Good numbers of walleyes on mud flats, often spread out but often in good numbers.  East of Little Oak Island in the deep mud has been holding nice walleyes.

Muskie anglers continue to catch good numbers of fish casting shoreline structure.

Various ways to travel to the Angle.

  1. Drive through Canada to the Angle  (must be vaccinated, no covid test required)
  2. LOW Passenger Service (charter boat service across the lake avoiding customs)
  3. Lake Country Air.(fly from various Midwest locations to LOW and NW Angle)
  4. Take your own boat.  (Safety first, this is a 40 mile ride over big water)

Lake of the Woods Tourism · PO Box 518 · Baudette · Minnesota · 56623

Fishing Report 7.27.22

Courtesy of Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau received 7.29.22 to

Fishing Report


On the south end…  Summer walleye fishing is in full swing.  Boat ramps are available if you bring your own boat.  Resort charter boats are available and putting anglers on walleyes for those who want to make life easy.

Nice pods of eater walleyes  in 10-15′ in front of Pine Island near both the Lighthouse and Morris Point gaps.

Deep mud in 28 – 34′ holding large numbers of walleyes.  Drifting spinners with crawlers and trolling crankbaits have been effective.

Reefs in Big Traverse Bay are holding nice numbers of walleyes.  Anchored up and jigging or pulling spinners producing good fish.

Jumbo perch, pike and a few crappies in the mix as well.

On the Rainy River…   Good summer fishing continues on the Rainy River.  Areas out of the current continue to be good spots this year.

Sturgeon anglers catching some nice fish.  Anglers can catch and release fish or keep one sturgeon through the summer if a sturgeon tag is purchased.

Big pike are still active in bays and feeder rivers.  Smallies are living around rocks, current breaks, bays and bridges.

Up at the NW Angle…  Fishing on both sides of the border continue to be excellent.  Jigging and pulling spinners have been catching a lot of walleyes.

Go to areas such as reefs, neck down areas with moving water and points are holding fish.  Good numbers of walleyes also setting up on flats, often spread out but often in good numbers.

Muskie anglers catching nice numbers of fish with some good quality fish over 50″ in the mix casting shoreline structure.

Various ways to travel to the Angle.

1.  Drive through Canada to the Angle  (must be vaccinated, no covid test required)

2.  LOW Passenger Service (charter boat service across the lake avoiding customs)

3.  Lake Country Air.(fly from various Midwest locations to LOW and NW Angle)

4.  Take your own boat.  (Safety first, this is a 40 mile ride over big water)

A complete list of lodging, guide and charter boat trips at 634-1174

PO Box 518 · Baudette · Minnesota · 56623

Fishing Report 7.20.22



Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau weekly fishing report!!


Fishing Report


On the south end…  Summer walleye fishing remains very good across Lake of the Woods.  Different schools of walleyes keying in on different forage offers anglers numerous opportunities.

Water levels are starting to drop and debris that is consistent with high water has flushed through the system.  Thankfully, fishing has been great despite a high water year.

A good bite for eater walleyes in 10-15 feet just off of Pine Island and other areas along the south shore.  Some are using spinners with crawlers to catch these fish but trolling crankbaits to cover water is also producing.  Some are still jigging which is still effective despite it being mid July.

Deep mud in 28 – 33′ this time of year holding good numbers of fish.  You just have to find what general area they are living in, get your baits in front of them and normally good things happen.

Others are leaning on more traditional techniques of spinners with a crawler or trolling crankbaits to catch their fish, which can be especially effective when fish are spread out.

Some of the reefs in Big Traverse Bay are holding nice numbers of walleyes.  Bobber fishing or jigging the top of the reefs or pulling spinners on the reef or on the transition where the rock meets the mud producing good fish.

In addition to walleyes, saugers, jumbo perch pike, smallmouth bass and even an occasional muskie, crappie or sturgeon are being caught on the basin.

On the Rainy River…   Some good summer fishing continues on the Rainy River this summer.  Areas out of the current have been the go to spots this year.

A nice mixed bag in the river includes walleyes, saugers, smallmouth bass, and pike.  Good numbers of shiners in the river.

Sturgeon anglers showing off some big fish being caught.  Anglers can catch and release fish or keep one sturgeon through the summer if a sturgeon tag is purchased.

Big pike are still prowling backwater bays and feeder rivers.  Smallies are living around rocks, current breaks, bays and bridges.

Up at the NW Angle…  Fishing on both sides of the border has been excellent.  Jigging and pulling spinners are the two techniques most anglers are using to catch their walleyes.

As water temps warm, some fish utilizing structure (underwater points, sunken islands, etc.) while some fish are gravitating to mud flats.  Jig where tighter concentrations of fish, pull spinners when fish are more spread out.

Muskie anglers catching and releasing good number with some 50 inch plus fish in the mix.

Various ways to travel to the Angle.

  1. Drive through Canada to the Angle  (must be vaccinated, no covid test required)
  2. LOW Passenger Service (charter boat service across the lake avoiding customs)
  3. Lake Country Air.(fly from various Midwest locations to LOW and NW Angle)

4.  Take your own boat.  (Safety first, this is a 40 mile ride over big water)

Fishing report courtesy of Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau 634-1174

PO Box 518 · Baudette · Minnesota · 56623

Finally All boats in the water today!!

We have 3 of our camping guests out on the lake today- much better today than yesterday with that wind!!!

Jon and Maria, Bob and his friend John, and our 3rd group of camping guests fishing today, John with his 2 good friends, Steve, and Clint, are all on the water today!!

Jon and Maria reported 11 fish – 2 keepers, Bob 8 with 2 keepers, and John and the guys -good fishing – loads of fun!!