High water/flooding clean up progress 8.28.22

This summer we were unable to use CS#’s 2,3,4,14,15, and 16. Over the last week/week 1/2 Dale has been slowing bringing down the berm and cleaning up from the flooding. This is Campsite #2.

Campsite #2

Looking through the tree’s you see campsite 2 and 3. Berm has been removed but still some standing water and the aftereffects of the standing water in this area since Memorial holiday.

Dump truck, bob cat, clean up…repeat!

Culvert open, water draining towards CS# 4 and out of the campground area, slow but sure! Fingers crossed; more rain will change this.

Still standing water, causing damage to many trees.

Ditch is still full, water from the south campground heading to the North.

Road to CS#’s 14, 15, and 16.

Cleaning up the lawn area.

Berm by CS#14

Standing water by CS#14

Removing the berm – CS#16, 15, 14!

CS#16, lawn area to the South. \

Looking good Dale!