Winter Lake Access Open Christmas Eve and Christmas Day


Winter Lake Access Information Line


Now available to call 24 hours ~if any changes~updates are recorded at 6:30 a.m. 

Winter Lake Access Open

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day


6:30 a.m.




5 paid access, 6th access Free!

Fishing Report from Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau 12.15.21

We sure are off to a slow start thanks to Mother Nature.  We have not been able to put sleepers out on the ice as of yet.  Today was a foggy day with warm temps up to 32 degrees.  We are looking forward to the single-digit temps that will be coming our way in the next day or two.  We have day houses out with sleepers on land for 5 out of our 15 houses.  Multiple cancellations, so sad to have to call our guests and cancel their trip.  Fishing has been fun with a few slow spells in there, but fun nonetheless.
Fishing Report


On the south end…  Ice fishing has begun and fish houses are out on most areas of Lake of the Woods.  The lake is big and ice conditions vary greatly.  Be safe and work through a resort or outfitter and stick to their marked ice roads, trails and fishing areas where they have checked ice.

Fishing reports are excellent overall.  Early ice is a great time traditionally and this year is no different.  Good numbers of walleyes and saugers with eelpout, pike, perch and tullibees mixed in.

Anglers are fishing from 8 – 27 feet of water depending upon the time of day and in some cases, what ice conditions allow.  Some good walleyes caught early morning and last light in shallow water.  This bite can happen all winter as some walleyes will come up shallow to feed low light.

The one two punch, jigging one line and deadsticking your second line is most effective.  Gold, glow colors, lures with vibration and rattles, jigging spoons tipped with a minnow head or tail working well.  Live minnow just off the bottom on the second line.

As a general rule, snowmobiles, ATV’s and side by sides are being allowed so far.  For those fishing in resort fish houses, they will transport you out via light ice rigs.

Pike anglers are finding good numbers of big pike.  Some spearing / fishing is still taking place in bays.  Great success tip up fishing on the main lake.

Extreme safety is always important, especially so with early ice conditions.  Each resort / outfitter will share info as it is available.

On the Rainy River  The Rainy River is ice covered and where there is good ice, anglers are finding walleyes and sturgeon.  With the current of the river, knowing where and where not to travel and working through resorts / outfitters who know ice conditions is key.

Sturgeon have been cooperative through the ice this week.  With a larger hole and beefed up equipment, those targeting dinosaurs are having great success.

Up at the NW Angle…  Ice is progressing nicely up at the Angle.  Some local snowmobile travel has been happening in marked areas with good ice conditions.  Like every year, there are areas with cracks, current, etc.  Stay on marked trails when things open up. Check with your favorite NW Angle resort for specifics.

Travel to and from the Angle via land through Canada is open.  Must be vaccinated and have a negative PCR COVID Test. Plan ahead with testing or rapid tests are available in Baudette and soon in Warroad.  Once at the Angle, no additional COVID testing is necessary for traveling back south from the Angle through Canada.

Want to avoid crossing the border?  Snowmobilers can take the groomed and staked trail across the lake.  Charter transport via bombardiers on the ice trail or flights over the lake landing on an ice runway are available through the LOW Passenger Service and Lake Country Air this winter.


Courtesy of Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau emailed to 12.15.21

12.1.2021 Fishing Report from Lake of the Woods Tourism

Received an email today from Lake of the Woods Tourism with the most recent Fishing Report!
Here are the pictures from 11.28.21 and today 12.2.2021 pictures taken 7:30 a.m.
Still unsafe ice conditions.  Monitoring ice conditions every day.  We will keep you posted.









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Fishing Report


On the south end…  Ice is forming across the lake, river and bays.  We are moving in a good direction, but need some more time before ice fishing begins.

The first spear houses are out on back isolated bays looking for pike.  Some resorts offer spearing packages on Zippel Bay and Bostic Bay.  Work through a resort as ice conditions vary.  One resort reports 5-7 inches on their marked trail but they went around an area with only 1 inch of ice caused by springs.  Safety first.

Our resorts and outfitters are on the ice daily checking thickness, avoiding springs, cracks, shifting ice, unclear and weak ice, etc.  When the time comes they open their ice trails, stay on the trails for safety.

The main basin, Big Traverse Bay, is ice covered in most areas.  As most years, some of the shoreline ice is made up of slush that has blown in and frozen.  When resorts / outfitters start grooming, they will smooth the ice out for good ice travel.  We have a good start!

Many LOW resorts / outfitters are providing ice reports on their Facebook pages this time of year.  These are the experts on the ice and they will let you know when the part of the lake they fish is ready for travel.

On the Rainy River  The Rainy River is ice covered.  With the current of the river throughout the year, knowing when, where and where not to travel on the ice is a must.

Typically, later in December, a snowmobile trail will be staked from Baudette to Wheeler’s Point offering travel on the river, Mother Nature dictating of course.  When it opens, stay on the trail for safety.

Up at the NW Angle…  Angle Inlet and various areas throughout the islands of the NW Angle are ice covered.  A bit of local snowmobile travel in a few areas but no ice fishing as of yet. Things are coming along nicely with little snow.

Travel to and from the Angle via vehicle through the 40 miles of Canada is open.  Must be vaccinated and have a negative PCR COVID Test. Plan ahead with testing or rapid tests are available in Baudette and soon in Warroad.  Once at the Angle, no additional COVID testing is necessary for traveling back south from the Angle through Canada.

Want to avoid crossing the border?  Snowmobilers can take the groomed and staked trail across the lake.  Charter transport via bombardiers on the ice trail or flights over the lake landing on an ice runway are available through the LOW Passenger Service and Lake Country Air this winter.

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Received via email to on 12.2.21 cmp