Jim and Jon – Brothers enjoying a fishing trip here on Lake of the Woods
Jim and Jon – Brothers enjoying a fishing trip here on Lake of the Woods The temps dropped down to the negative 20’s and the fish bite slowed down but despite the poor fishing report Jim and Jon are giving it their all. Pictures courtesy of Jim and Jon who are out in our sleepers […]
Read More Our Guests out on the Lake here at Lake of the Woods 7.10.24
It was a hot one on Wed 7.10.24 But our camping guests got it done! Tony went out for an evening bite and brought in the beaut of a Northern. and Pat spent the entire “HOT” day on the water caught and released a 27.5 and a 26-inch Walleye + fish for supper for […]
Read More Great Weekend! Camping * Fishing * Relaxing
Thank you to all our beautiful guests this past weekend! and another big Thank you to Macey, Tom S., and Dale covering for me while I was away! There was great camping, visiting, campfire’s, mosquito’s (Thank you Dale for spraying mosquito repellent), boat’s giving it their all fishing from just off the shore all the […]
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